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Branch: Release Candidate



  • getClosestEntities(position: IVector3, range: number, dimension: number, limit: number, allowedTypes: BaseObjectFilterType): readonly Entity[]

  • Returns only the closest entities of the specified type (or types) at the specified position, in the given range, dimension and limit.


    // Returns closest players and vehicles (from 0 to 2 entities inclusive, because limit is 2)
    // in a range equal to 3 and dimension equal to 0
    const playersAndVehicles = alt.getClosestEntities(, // position
    3.0, // range
    0, // dimension
    2, // limit
    alt.BaseObjectFilterType.Player | alt.BaseObjectFilterType.Vehicle,

    // Same but only players
    const players = alt.getClosestEntities(, // position
    3.0, // range
    0, // dimension
    2, // limit


    If two entities are closer than 1 unit to a position, it is not determined which one will be included. For example, if there is a vehicle at 0, 1.5, 0 and player at 0, 1.0, 0, then if we pass position as new alt.Vector3(0, 0, 0) and limit as 1 vehicle may be returned but the player will not.