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Branch: Development


What is logging

Logging is the process of recording important information or events in a system or application. It helps to keep a record of what's happening, such as errors, warnings, or specific actions, for troubleshooting and analysis purposes. Logs provide valuable insights into the behavior of the system, helping developers and administrators understand and resolve issues more effectively.

Log types

Log TypeDescriptionWhen to Use
NormalGeneral log messages without any specific levelUse for regular information or updates that don't require special attention
InfoInformational messagesUse to provide additional details or context about a specific event
WarningIndication of potential issues or unexpected behaviorUse when there are non-critical issues or situations that need attention
ErrorIndicates critical errors or failuresUse to log errors that impact the normal operation of the system
Our recommendations

Please note that the suggested use cases provided here are mere recommendations, and the actual usage of log types may vary based on your personal preferences and specific requirements.


If you want to improve the appearance of your log messages, you can use different color codes to highlight important parts or organize them better. Color codes can be added before the relevant text, like ~r~, to apply a specific color. You can find a list of all color codes in the table below.

Color codeScreenshot